• info@indiatemple.org

    Daytime Gita Group

    This group meets over Zoom on Tuesdays from 10:45 AM to Noon. This is an informal discussion based group which reviews the Gita verse by verse.  Since the Gita speaks to every aspect of life, our discussions encourage participants to question and reflect on thier own expeiences and thoughts. Many of the topics get repeated and reviewed in light of the on-going Gita verses. The study is open to all. Please join in the group, as we would like as many people to participate as possible. It is never too late to join. If interested in learning more, please contact Sharad Pimplaskar by at (856) 466-1430 or sharad.pimplaskar@gmail.com. 

    Join Zoom Meeting Information


    Meeting ID: 818 2564 6955

    Passcode: 173521

    This is to announce that ITA Gita Study group Zoom meeting will resume on September 26th with a new text. We will read Shri Shankara’s Dakshinamurti Stotram. We will also be taking some references from a commentary (Vrittanta), called Manasollasa, by his disciple Sureshvaracharya. This Stotram is a simple, beautiful and complete treatise on Vedanta. We are sure you will enjoy it. Hope to see you all then. The text of the Stotram with Dhyana-Mantra will be provided to attendees.


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